E.Co.N.A-Enlargement of Cooperation in Natural Areas

Specific problem of the area to be addressed

The project region has a rich environmental endowement. In the absence of effective management & due to deficient measures for minotring & protection, the environment is under the threat of degradation which can lead to loss of precious biodiversity. E.Co.N.A. provides the opportunity for the design & implementation of joint strategies for the protection & common management of natural-protected areas of the project partners, forming also the basis for the creation of an extended Network .

Main project activities planned

Methodology & tools will target mainly to involve in the sustainable management process as much local stakeholders as possible & to improve awareness of the population. Public participation in the management and the decision -making process of natural protected areas; use of innovative best practices on exchange of experience, creation of environmental education packages for schools,bi-regional technical workshops;

Expected outputs and results

Reliable baseline information on the status & management of the natural-protected areas;environmental education package for schools; Local stakeholders better informed about the potential of a combined protection & development of the natural-protected areas;Common basis for the assessment of the sustainability of territorial management plans;Common public participation schemes; Permanent basis for the continuous exchange of information & experience between stakeholders in the Programme areas.

Area of expertise/interest